
Studying consumption in a globalized context.

Selected Publications

We analysed young people’s leisure activities in order to identify their leisure habitus, discover how they combined activities into leisure patterns, and examine how leisure patterns were socially structured.
In JYS, 2018

We address the subjective experience of social network gamers playing Restaurant City, a game hosted on Facebook. We adopted a netnographic approach to studying the culture of transient Internet communities shaping the player off-line communities. Fieldwork was conducted over the entire life span of the game (3 years). Data were analyzed using a qualitative thematic approach and the software EdEt. The results describe the evolution of the gaming experience through online interaction and its importance in everyday off-line life. Players were observed to play an important role in the production of social meanings associated with gaming and with the gaming community online and off-line. We discuss the implications of our findings regarding how the gaming process is a far more complex scenario than envisaged by a business vision based on acquisition, retention, and monetization., We address the subjective experience of social network gamers playing Restaurant City, a game hosted on Facebook. We adopted a netnographic approach to studying the culture of transient Internet communities shaping the player off-line communities. Fieldwork was conducted over the entire life span of the game (3 years). Data were analyzed using a qualitative thematic approach and the software EdEt. The results describe the evolution of the gaming experience through online interaction and its importance in everyday off-line life. Players were observed to play an important role in the production of social meanings associated with gaming and with the gaming community online and off-line. We discuss the implications of our findings regarding how the gaming process is a far more complex scenario than envisaged by a business vision based on acquisition, retention, and monetization.
In Games & Culture, 2017


Jun 1, 2030 1:00 PM

Recent Posts

Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities; Toronto, Canada, July 15-21, 2018.


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El futuro del empleo y del binestar en España

I this project we address the implications of digital technologies on the trasnformation of organizations, employment and economy. More information in the external_link.

Globalization, ICT and Young People

In this research we study the relationship between young people position in the distribution of resources and the Internet choices they make, their digital experience during the transition to adulthood.

Sustinable Consumption

In this research proposal we contribute to knowledge about the social processes that end with small and medium enterprises, SMEs, adopting of CE activities, and individuals consuming ecological and sustainable products.


I am a teaching instructor for the following courses at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona:

  • CS101: Marketing models (models de gestió comercial)
  • CS102: Qualitative methods (Advanced Research Methods in Master in Marketing)
  • CS103: Marketing Data Science (Behavioural and Data Based Marketing in Master in Marketing)
